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"alternativer" Text (="alt"): 

1999_KALAHARI-BOTSWANA_my friend Rolf-Otto Backes made a small
mistake, calculating the petrol consumption, which was very high in that
soft and deep sand ... so we ran out of petrol in the middle of the KALAHARI
and took the rest of our reserve ... but the heavy petrol can is good for his
figure ... it´s like weight lifting ... at home ... _UNIMOG-trip through Southern
AFRICA_Jochen A. Hübener

2 Kurzfilme dazu von mir  bei YouTube:

07 FISH-RIVER-CANYON und KALAHARI per UNIMOG_1999-04 00.48 23.06.2008
08 KALAHARI, HWANGE, VICTORIA-FALLS, ETOSHA per UNIMOG 1999-05 01.11 23.06.2008

back to: funny, curious adventure PHOTOS:
'away with motorcycle, backpack and Unimog; through AFRICA and AMERICA and around the WORLD'